This book reveals the mechanics of buying and selling cars for those trying to gain their freedom from the rat race.

If you are fed up with your job or career and would like to do something exciting, this book is for you.
WIn the book, you will learn where to find cars, which cars to flip for more money, how to negotiate good deals, how to avoid losing big money, how to inspect a car before buying, how to become a car broker, flipping cars without a dealer’s license, how to avoid fixing yourself out of pocket, how to rent cars without hassles, how to flip cars from home, how to make money selling to the wreckers and so on.

Ekene Uchenu is a successful car flipper & has been running a profitable car rental business for years. Buying and selling cars is not as easy as it seems. You can easily loose a lot of money if you are not doing it right, hence you need to learn from an experienced Car Flip Addict like me.
I literally flip and rent cars for a living for over a decade. It is fun and full of opportunities. Do not lose money using wrong techniques to flip cars. Do not lose money renting cars to the wrong people.