
When a NSW-registered vehicle changes ownership, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) needs to update its records. To do this, it requires:
The new owner/buyer to transfer the vehicle's registration into their name.
The previous owner/seller to lodge a notice of disposal (NOD) of the vehicle.
If you are the new owner/buyer, make sure you transfer the rego into your name within 14 days of acquiring the vehicle.
If you wait longer than 14 days you'll have to pay a late transfer fee as well as the:
registration stamp duty
motor vehicle tax (if the previous owner was a pensioner who received a tax concession and you're not entitled to the concession).
You can transfer the rego online unless certain circumstances apply.
You must:
hold a NSW Driver Licence
be transferring a vehicle registered in NSW.
Sometimes it’s not possible to transfer registration online, so you'll need to visit a Service NSW Centre if any of the following apply:
the vehicle’s previous owner has not submitted a NOD
you’ve bought the vehicle:
on behalf of an organisation/business, or
from interstate
you need to transfer the registration due to the death of the owner
you’re transferring the registration as the carer or guardian of the vehicle’s owner
the vehicle is a heavy vehicle with a gross vehicle mass of over 4.5 tonnes
the vehicle has special or personalised number plates you don’t want to keep
the vehicle’s previous NSW registration expired more than 3 months ago
you’re entitled to a stamp duty exemption.
What you need
a MyServiceNSW Account – you can create one when you start your application
your concession details (if applicable)
the previous owner to have submitted a NOD
the vehicle's NSW registration plate number
the purchase date of the vehicle
the purchase price or market price of the vehicle (whichever is higher)
payment for the transfer fee and any additional fees and taxes (if applicable).
How to transfer
Check the eligibility requirements.
Select the 'Transfer online' button.
Log in, or create your MyServiceNSW Account.
Follow the prompts to transfer the registration.
If you're not eligible to transfer the registration online:
Download and complete the Application for Transfer of Registration – PDF.
Visit a service centre with:
the completed form
your proof of identity
your concession details (if applicable)
your certificate of registration, completed and signed on the back by the seller, or other proof of registration entitlement
your payment.
More information
When you buy a vehicle that has current NSW registration, the compulsory third party insurance (CTP green slip) will automatically transfer to you.
If you are transferring a current NSW registration, you will not need an eSafety inspection report (pink slip).
If the vehicle has special number plates and they've been transferred with the vehicle, you take on all the rights, responsibilities and annual fees that go with those plates.
Motor vehicle tax is based on the unladen weight of the vehicle. Eligible pensioners do not have to pay motor vehicle tax.
Payment methods
You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.
