If you do not know how to sell, then you have a one way ticket to poverty. Selling skill is the most important skill you need to become rich.

If you want to be successful, you must learn this:
Master how to sell!
You can win the lottery and still be poor, you can be gifted a huge amount of money and still be poor. However, when you learn how to sell, you will never lack. I don't know of any other strategy to acquire wealth than selling.
The top richest people in the world are all salesmen, selling something.
Elon Musk, one of the richest human beings on earth , designs and sells cars.
Jeff Bezos, top richest person is formally known for, selling different products.
Bill Gates, one of the richest people produces and sells softwares to aid computer operations.
Even an ordinary employee on the office desk must continue to sell his services to the boss to remain and maintain his position.
If you cannot sell, you cannot successfully run a business. To be a successful business owner, you must first be a successful salesman. All these people built wealth by selling.
There's one thing I know, if you can shamelessly sell, you're going to be stinkingly rich.
Selling is not easy, but it is worth it because it's the pathway to success.
You shouldn't aspire to sell millions when you haven't made an attempt to sell thousands.
The principle is; start small and grow big. Most people want to grow big overnight, without fully absorbing the lessons of the days of little beginning.
Learn how to sell, that's the first step you need to become successful.